Construction Equipment Economics V2


Construction Equipment Economics V2 is written for everyone involved with the management of heavy mobile equipment.

The tools, techniques and ideas presented will enable you to:

  • Build a robust organization.
    • Define Define roles, responsibility, authority and accountability. Know who does what.
  • Know your cost.
    • Budget and manage owning and operating cost.  It is the price of admission.
  • Manage fleet average age.
    • There is an optimum ownership period.  Know it and manage it.
  • Ensure utilization.
    • Always measure utilization. Utilization is a lead indicator of owning cost.
  • Maintain reliability.
    • Every down event is a cost event. Reliability is a lead indicator of operating cost.

The material is based on the Equipment Executive series published monthly in Construction Equipment magazine starting in October 2003. Substantial new material has been added and quantitative tools have been developed to assist in implementing many of the concepts described.

Price: $115.00

Note from the author

"This is not a text book. It is a desk book that is full of ideas, examples and inspiration. It should be on your desk not on a forgotten book shelf. It needs to be used and must become dirty, dog eared and full of personal notes. Use it to look for methods, ideas and inspiration. Enjoy the challenge of thinking differently.

There are no simple solutions and no shortcuts to change. Use this book to understand what you do, think creatively about the future and have courage in your decisions.

Do not start at the begining and read right through. Start with a chapter or section that looks interesting and addresses your concern. Explore from there. Browse and think; don't look for answers."

-Mike Vorster

Main Topics

  • Part I, Build Your Organization.

    comes first as little can be achieved if functions, roles, responsibility, authority and accountability are either not understood or not aligned for success.

  • Part II, Know Your Cost,

    comes next as a detailed knowledge of equipment costs and the risks involved in estimating both owning and operating costs are essential to everything that follows. The rate calculation and the complexities involved in this important estimate, of course, discussed in detail.

  • Part III, Manage Fleet Average Age,

    follows logically after Part II and uses the fact that hourly ownings cost goes down with age while hourly operating cost goes up with age to develop a clear definition of the optimum ownership period and define the tools needed to support the replacement decision.

  • Part IV, Ensure Utilization,

    moves from the emphasis on cost established in Part II to develop the operational metrics needed to gain a full understanding of Deployment, Availablity and Utilization as three metrics needed to ensure that the fleet is active and that owning costs are likely to be recovered.

  • Part V, Maintain Reliability,

    focuses on the maintenance enterprise and on Availability and Reliability as two key metrics liekly to provide a leading indicator of increases in operating cost.

  • Part VI, Be Proactive,

    stresses the importance of implementation. It comes last and uses a knowledge of the tools and processes available to develop lead indicators and move away from reactive cost-based dicision making.